Dave Omokaro Africa Institute of Ageing & Development (DOFRIAD)

DOFRAIDs mission is to strengthen individual and national capacities in ageing across sub-Sahara Africa by providing opportunities for research and life course multi-sectoral training in all aspects of ageing. DOFRAID is a response to challenges of glaring gaps in policies, programs and services arising from inadequate information, knowledge and workforce skill set in ageing in Nigeria and sub-Sahara Africa.

Seniors and Youth Multi-Functional Community Centers

The Dave Omokaro Foundations has developed models for intergenerational resource centers around the traditional arts and crafts and other productive enterprise of the community, where older persons can continue to engage their expertise to empower the youth with information and skills, and where the youth can bring energy, innovation, technology and creativity to product design and marketing. The centers will be piloted in the 6 geo-political zones.

Documentary in Ageing in Nigeria

The Dave Omokaro Foundation  commissioned a documentary on Ageing in Nigeria, targeted at advancing public information, education and dialogue on the challenges of the elderly in order to affect attitude, policy, legislation and programs as well as resource mobilization and expansion of support system for care of older persons

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