About Us
The Dave Omokaro Foundation (DOF) is committed to building capacity in ageing through advocacy, education and training, research, and stakeholders engagement in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa.
DOFs mission is to ensure that older persons in Nigeria enjoy income security, access to health care, intergenerational solidarity, and opportunities for continued engagement in society. We believe in right-based and life course approach in our pursuit of a systemic overhaul to improve quality of life of older persons. DOF is the leading organization in ageing in Nigeria.
Our mission
To enhance public and private sector capacity to understand and respond to health and socio-economic implications of ageing & challenges of older persons through policy advocacy, education and training, research and stakeholders' engagement in ageing with intersections of gender, disabilities and intergenerational cohesion.
To identify training needs and partner with governments, institutions, agencies, development partners and individuals to develop training programs towards personnel knowledge and skills, and systems’ capacity to deliver quality services to older persons